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To start using the Calendar Event API, add the following to the top of your file:

use EncoreDigitalGroup\PlanningCenter\Objects\Calendar\Event;

Event Class

Now we can create a new instance of the Event class;

$event = new Event($client);

All Events

To get all calendar events that exist in Planning Center, use the following method:


Future Events

To modify the Planning Center API Query, you can pass an argument to the all() method.

$query = [
    'filter' => 'future'


Specifically for Future Calendar Events, we have created a method that applies this query modification for you automatically.


Get an Event

To get a single Planning Center Calendar Event, pass the id of the event to the get() method

$event->eventId = YOUR_EVENT_ID;

Get Event Instances

$event->eventId = YOUR_EVENT_ID;

Get a Single Event Instance

$event->eventId = YOUR_EVENT_ID;
$event->eventInstanceId = YOUR_EVENT_INSTANCE_ID;

Get a Single Event Connection

$event->eventId = YOUR_EVENT_ID;
$event->connectionId = YOUR_CONNECTION_ID;