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AwsConfig Class Documentation

The AwsConfig class is part of the PHPGenesis\Services\AmazonWebServices\Config namespace. This class provides methods to interact with the AWS configuration settings.

Class Properties

  • public ?object $credentials: This property holds the AWS credentials. It is an object that contains key and secret properties.
  • public string $region: This property holds the AWS region. The default value is 'us-east-1'.
  • public string $version: This property holds the AWS version. The default value is '2010-12-01'.


To use this class, you need to instantiate it. Here is an example:

$awsConfig = new AwsConfig();

In this example, we are creating a new instance of AwsConfig. The $awsConfig variable will hold the instance of the class. The AWS credentials, region, and version are automatically set during instantiation.