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The JiraProject class provides an interface to interact with JIRA projects, specifically for retrieving issues within a project. This class is part of the EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira namespace and utilizes the Atlassian JIRA REST API to perform its operations.

Available Methods

Below are the methods available in the JiraProject class:

  • getIssues(string $projectKey, int $startAt = 0, int $maxResults = 50): IssueSearchQueryResult
  • createIssue(Issue $issue): Issue
  • getIssue(string $id): Issue

Method Details


Retrieve a list of issues from a specific JIRA project.


  • string $projectKey: The key of the project from which issues are to be retrieved.
  • int $startAt (optional): The index of the first issue to return (0-based). Default is 0.
  • int $maxResults (optional): The maximum number of issues to return. Default is 50.

Return Value

Returns an instance of IssueSearchQueryResult containing the issues found, along with pagination details.

Example Usage

use EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira\JiraProject;

$projectKey = "YOUR_PROJECT_KEY";
$issues = JiraProject::getIssues($projectKey);

foreach ($issues->issues as $issue) {
    echo $issue->key . PHP_EOL;


Create a new issue in JIRA.


  • Issue $issue: An instance of the Issue class representing the issue to be created.

Return Value

Returns an instance of Issue representing the created issue.

Example Usage

use EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira\JiraProject;
use EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira\Objects\Issues\Issue;use EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira\Objects\Issues\IssueFields;

$jiraProject = JiraProject::make();
$newIssue = new Issue();
$newIssue->fields = new IssueFields();
$newIssue->fields->summary = "Your Issue Summary";
$newIssue->fields->description = "Your Issue Description";
$createdIssue = $jiraProject->createIssue($newIssue);

echo $createdIssue->key . PHP_EOL;


Retrieve a specific issue from JIRA by its ID.


  • string $id: The ID of the issue to be retrieved.

Return Value

Returns an instance of Issue representing the retrieved issue.

Example Usage

use EncoreDigitalGroup\Atlassian\Services\Jira\JiraProject;

$jiraProject = JiraProject::make();
$issueId = "YOUR_ISSUE_ID";
$issue = $jiraProject->getIssue($issueId);

echo $issue->key . PHP_EOL;

Handling Responses

The IssueSearchQueryResult object returned by getIssues contains the following properties:

  • expand: Information about the fields that are included in the response.
  • startAt: The starting index of the returned issues.
  • maxResults: The maximum number of issues that were requested.
  • total: The total number of issues that match the query.
  • issues: An array of Issue objects representing the issues retrieved.

Each Issue object contains detailed information about an issue, including its status, priority, type, and more.


  • This class is marked as @experimental and @api, indicating that it is part of the public API but should be used with caution as it may be subject to changes.
  • Authentication is handled via basic auth using a username and API token, which are retrieved using the AtlassianHelper class.